Woodworking classes are available

email me at: biff_kpv@yahoo.ca for inquiries

Monday, August 22, 2016

Russian orthodox crosses part 3

Another set of crosses for a client, this marks the third set now. The white oak is dimensioned and planed smooth. Next I layout the perpendicular half lap joints and the angled half lap. Cut with a dovetail saw and clear out the waste on the table saw with a cross cut sled. Now dial in the fit by paring down with a chisel. Glue in the angled joint first. Now I can cut the ends of the small piece parallel to the main body with the cross cut sled on the table saw. Glue up the final two joints and let set. Now sand/ plane the joints flush. Using a sharp chisel I now chamfer the edges and do an inside mitered chamfer for all bisecting pieces. After that do some touch up sanding if need be and because these are requested as unfinished these crosses are done!

Sunday, August 14, 2016


Potatoe and onion bin was picked up today and the client loved it. The client has some more work he needs done too. Had a successful class this morning on how to tune up a hand plane. Got another order for a pair of Russian orthodox crosses. Got the log slices all prepped for the cupcake stand. 

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Potatoe bin update

Bin is complete and will be picked up this weekend. I want to take a better photo of the finished product before that. I now have a hand plane to tune up for a friend of a friend then on to the restoration of a crokinole table, log slice cupcake stand and hopefully finish some ongoing small pieces so I can get them up for sale. 

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Potatoe n onion bin progress

Assembly of the bin is complete. All items taken apart and ready for final sanding and finishing. 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Back to blogging

Been posting on my Facebook page "Furniture by Kevin" and on Instagram "furniturebykevin" so much lately that I haven't been blogging. I'm going to get back to it as I find it helps me stay organized and I have clients who are not on Facebook or Instagram and want them to be able to follow their projects. 

So the shop is very busy right now with furniture flips and client work. Just about done another potatoe and onion bin, have a crokinole table refurbish up next and putting specific woodworking classes together for the fall. Classes will be "furniture refinishing" and "basic upholstery." 

Hoping to get a few videos going as well. I also need to start ramping up for the 11th annual Niagara Woodworking Show.