Woodworking classes are available

email me at: biff_kpv@yahoo.ca for inquiries

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Back to blogging

Been posting on my Facebook page "Furniture by Kevin" and on Instagram "furniturebykevin" so much lately that I haven't been blogging. I'm going to get back to it as I find it helps me stay organized and I have clients who are not on Facebook or Instagram and want them to be able to follow their projects. 

So the shop is very busy right now with furniture flips and client work. Just about done another potatoe and onion bin, have a crokinole table refurbish up next and putting specific woodworking classes together for the fall. Classes will be "furniture refinishing" and "basic upholstery." 

Hoping to get a few videos going as well. I also need to start ramping up for the 11th annual Niagara Woodworking Show.