Well I finished and hung the letters for the twins names above each of their cribs and they look quite cute. I painted them a deep almost royal blue so that they can continue to hang on the walls when we transition from nursery to toddler room and so on. The colour I chose is also coincidentally the same as the blue of my San Diego Chargers. Go Bolts!
The twins had their second round of immunization shots yesterday and Nate cried at first but handled it like a real trooper. Jake on the other hand screamed loudly for the first needle and hit another octave for the second needle. Deb worked from home yesterday to help me keep the boys calm as they were understandably not themselves all day after the shots. I had been on the fence when it comes to the H1N1 shot as I had never had any flu shot before but after speaking with the pediatrician I decide to get one. Now like I said I had never before had a flu shot so I am not sure what to expect as a side effect but man is my arm sore.
This week I have rough cut the spoon racks and hope to make some headway there. I have really been concentrating on clearing stuff out of the house by both Kijiji and donation. I can not believe how much "stuff" is in this house. Parting with the stuff is sometimes hard but I am really looking forward to decorating for Christmas this year so I have to make some room around here.