Woodworking classes are available

email me at: biff_kpv@yahoo.ca for inquiries

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

New from Darryl Gent

New smoothing plane

New fore plane

Darryl sent me the pics of these that he  made for me. Can not wait to start making shavings with these. Darryl Gent is a fellow member of the Niagara Woodworking Club and is an extremely talented woodworker who started making hand planes. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

9th annual Niagara Woodworking Show

Dorothy's Potatoes and Onion bin

Bin in progress

Completed bin

Reupholstering Dining room chairs

Dining room chairs before

Seats removed, minor repairs and cleaning done

New seat pans, new foam and new upholstery

Finished arm chair

Nice before and after pics