This years show was as many of the shows in Hamilton a little disappointing for me. I wish the coordinators for the show would make a rule that each vendor must be 80 or 90 percent woodworking related as it is a Wood Show or so it is advertised.
Probably half of the vendors at the show were selling goods or services that had nothing to do with woodworking. There were three different chamois vendors. Then there were people selling sweaters and jewellery and candy and COME ON!
I love the fact that this show is held at the Airplane museum and that your entry fee to the show also allows you to view the planes at the museum as well. See I am trying not to be too negative.....
This show also boasts a Canadian Carving Championship which was well displayed and showcased some real talented people. Here are some highlights from the competition:

So as a whole the show was as I said a little disappointing for me but hey...... it's still a wood show none the less.